MSCAdvocacy mission to China to grasp EU-China mobility

MSCAdvocacy, a project funded by Horizon Europe to promote research and staff mobility under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), concluded a comprehensive mission to China in September 2023. The mission aimed to explore and understand the intricacies of research collaboration between Europe and China, with a particular focus on the potential increase in researcher and staff mobility flows under the MSCA.
Zhang Kaiyv / Pexels

The mission led by Country Liaison Officer for China, Sara Medina, conducted in-depth interviews with a wide range of stakeholders who provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with EU to China mobility flows. Interviewees included European researchers actively involved in projects in China, recipients of MSCA funding for research exchanges in Europe, representatives of Chinese research centres and universities able to host European researchers, as well as key stakeholders such as EURAXESS China, the EU Delegation to China, China Institute for Brain Research (CIBR) and the Sino-German Agricultural Centre.

The mission demonstrated the openness and commitment to cooperation between the two parties. The lessons learnt from the mission will help share future mobility initiatives under MSCA and promote stronger and broader collaboration between European and Chinese researchers and institutions.


For more information on China-EU science, technology and innovation programmes, please visit:

China-EU R&I cooperation


China Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni (MCAA)


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Euraxess China provides access to a complete range of information and support services for researchers in China wishing to pursue a research career in Europe or looking for collaboration opportunities.

MSCAdvocacy meeting with European researcher Magdalena Koziol (r) at the China Institute for Brain Research (CIBR)Sara Medina, Country Liaison Officer for China, met with Yanchang Li (left) and Magdalena Koziol (right) at the China Institute for Brain Research (CIBR)


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